General Terms and Conditions

Dear visitors of the website, you have just arrived at the page with the general terms and conditions for the sale of participation in online and offline events, our e-books, online courses and educational events. You have probably already read the details of your chosen online/offline event, product or educational event on the website (the "Website" or "Web Interface"). These Terms and Conditions (abbreviated as "T&Cs") contain the information you need to have before you click the order button. Therefore, please read them carefully. This is because before you complete your order, you also tick the "I agree to the Terms and Conditions" box, which means that you accept the Terms and Conditions without reservation, that you have read them properly and that you acknowledge that the rights and obligations between you and our company are governed by these Terms and Conditions.

When do the GTC apply and what is their relationship to the contract?

The GTC shall apply to your order for participation in offline and online meetings, workshops, seminars, courses, educational stays (hereinafter referred to as "Organised Events") and for the sale of e-books and online courses (hereinafter referred to as "Products") via the web interface. The GTC also sets out the detailed conditions for the implementation of the events. The actual purchase of the Products and ordering of the Organised Events and the process of concluding the contract is described below. The GTC are a document that forms an integral part of the contract concluded between us. Should there be provisions in the contract that differ from the text of the GTC, the provisions in the contract shall prevail. The contract you enter into with us is concluded in the Czech language, archived in electronic form and is not accessible to third parties. The contract includes your order (completed order form on the web interface), its acceptance by us and these GTC.

I. Basic information about us

Business Club Empiria 21 s.r.o.

ID: 03508366

Headquarters: Hlavní 1539, Jesenice, 252 42

Company registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, C 232396

DIC: CZ03508366

Contact e-mail:

Contact phone: 603 477 211

The address for delivery is the same as the registered office address. We are available at the above e-mail address for routine communication as well as for any complaints and complaints. In the following, we are referred to as "Provider".

II. Important terms to make it clear what is being written about

Who is the customer?

The Customer is the one who, through the web interface, enters into a contract with us (as the Provider) on the basis of which:

digital content in the form of products (ebooks, online courses) will be made available to the Customer by the Provider for the Customer's use, or

the Customer orders participation in an event organized by the Provider (offline and online meeting, workshop, seminar, course, educational stay according to the current offer of the Provider); and undertakes to pay the agreed price to the Provider (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract").

The customer may be a consumer or an entrepreneur (a self-employed natural person or a legal entity, e.g. a limited liability company or a joint stock company).

Who is the consumer?

According to the Act, a consumer is a natural person who concludes a contract outside the scope of his business activity or outside the scope of his independent exercise of his profession. If you are a natural person and you enter your business registration number in your order, we will assume that you are entering into the Contract as a business and not as a consumer.

What is a consumer contract?

It is a Contract in which the consumer acts as the Customer. In many cases, the consumer is given special protection and rights. If a right applies only to the Consumer, this is explicitly stated in the GTC (i.e. "Consumer" instead of "Customer").

What is a distance contract?

This is a Contract that is concluded via REMOTE COMMUNICATION MEANS, i.e. it is concluded without having to meet in person, as we use a web interface to conclude it. The costs associated with the use of the means of distance communication (in particular the cost of the internet connection and any telephone calls) are borne by you as the Customer and do not differ from the normal rate charged by your operator or internet service provider.

What legal provisions govern the contractual relationship between us?

These are the applicable legal regulations, in particular Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the "CC") and, in cases where the Customer is a consumer, Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection.

III. How to order and conclude a contract?

1. As a Customer, you order products and events through the web interface, i.e. through the ordering system on the website, by filling in the order form located there.

2. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCTS AND EVENTS: on the web interface you will find a detailed description of the events and products organised, their features, their content, information on who they are intended for and what benefits you can expect from them. The web interface also includes testimonials from clients who have purchased products before you. The presentation of products and events on the web interface is informative. As a Provider, we are not obliged to conclude a contract with you regarding the products and events (the provisions of § 1732 (2) CC do not apply).

ORDER PRODUCTS and ORDERED EVENTS (with the date of the event already listed on the web interface): To order a product or an event via the web interface, you can use the order/reservation form, in which you fill in your contact details (name, surname, address, e-mail, in the case of an order for a legal entity also details of the legal entity, ID number, VAT number), information about the ordered product (by placing the ordered product in the "basket" of the web interface), in the case of an order for an event, you select the specific event, if it is not already listed directly in the form, and you select the method of payment.

Before sending the order, you can check and change the data entered in the order form and, if necessary, correct any errors and discrepancies. You can submit your order by clicking on the order button marked "Order with payment obligation" below the order.

We will consider the information provided in the order to be correct. The validity of the order is subject to the completion of all mandatory data in the order form and your confirmation that you have read these GTC and the privacy policy.

We will inform you of the acceptance of the order made via the order form on the web interface by e-mail sent to your e-mail address indicated in the order, the invoice or payment details for the product in another form and these GTC are also included (attached).

In the event that the subject of the Contract is the making available of Products, the Contract shall be concluded by the delivery of this order confirmation to your electronic address specified in the order. In case you wish to have the Products made available to you immediately after the conclusion of the Contract and payment of the price of the Products, you must also agree in the order form that the Products will be made available to you within the withdrawal period according to the provisions of § 1829 CC.

In the case where the subject of the Contract is an organised event, the Contract is only concluded at the moment when the full price of the organised event is paid by you, unless expressly stated otherwise.

In the event that we are unable to meet any of the requirements stated in the order, we will send you an amended offer of products or events to your e-mail address. The amended offer shall be deemed to be a new draft Contract and the Contract shall be concluded in such a case by your confirmation of acceptance of such offer to our electronic address set out in these GTC.

Your order is considered binding by us. Any changes to the concluded Contract (including cancellation of the order) are only possible by agreement between us. Until the conclusion of the Contract, you may cancel your order by email sent to our email address set out in these GTC.

If in doubt, we may contact you to verify the authenticity of the order and if we are unable to verify the authenticity of the order, it is assumed that the order has not been placed at all and we will no longer deal with such order.

You can order products and events via the web interface 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please note, however, that in exceptional cases, the website may be temporarily unavailable due to necessary maintenance of the website or due to circumstances for which we are not responsible, such as internet connection failures, etc.

IV. what about the price and how to pay?

1. PRICE OF PRODUCTS AND EVENTS: the price of products and events is also listed on the web interface. The price is inclusive of value added tax. The price is valid for as long as it is displayed on the web interface. There are no shipping or other costs associated with the delivery of the products and events, so the price shown in the order summary is the final price. For organised events, it is indicated on the web interface what the price includes (e.g. whether refreshments are included).

In the case of selected products, we will provide you with the product in exchange for your personal data (e-mail address, name and surname). The fact that products are provided in exchange for personal data is indicated in the web interface. Your personal data will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

2. If there is an obvious error in the price on the web interface (this means, in particular, a typo, a mistake in entering the price) and the price of the products or events is clearly unreasonable in relation to the value of the product or the event, or a similar error in the process of concluding the Contract, then we are not obliged to deliver the product to you at such a clearly incorrect price, even if you have received an automatic confirmation of receipt of the order. In the event that payment has already been made by you for such manifestly erroneous price, we shall be entitled to withdraw from the Contract and refund the amount paid to you without undue delay. If the price of a product or event changes between the time your order is placed and our confirmation of it, the price in force at the time of placing the order shall apply, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us.

3. Unless otherwise expressly agreed between us, we are obliged to deliver the product to you only after full payment of the agreed price or to allow you to participate in the event only after full payment of the price.

4. METHOD OF PAYMENT: The agreed price can be paid as follows:

- Cashless online credit card or fast online bank transfer via the payment portal. The payment methods are connected to Stripe, Inc.'s payment gateway, which provides secure technology for accepting credit cards and online bank transfers. Payment card numbers, credit card numbers and e-banking passwords are entered through Stripe, Inc.'s secure and trusted channel. This information is not shared with us by that company and we do not have access to it.

- By wire transfer to our bank account specified in the invoice or advance invoice.

5. PAYMENT OF PRICE: The price is payable within 7 days of receipt of the order - via online bank transfer or credit card payment. The due date is indicated on the invoice. For both offline and online meetings, the full price must be paid at least 3 days before the event, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us. For other organised events, the full price must be paid at least 5 days before the organised event, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us.

The price is paid at the moment when the appropriate amount is credited to our bank account.

Products and events cannot be paid for by instalment plan.

We do not require advance payment for products and events. Payment of the price of products or events prior to delivery or event is not considered a deposit.

V. How will the products and events be delivered to you?

A. Product delivery terms:

1. METHOD OF DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS (DIGITAL CONTENT). The e-books will be made available in a machine-readable format (usually pdf or similar) by sending them to your e-mail address indicated in the order form attached to this message, or by sending a link where the e-book can be downloaded or opened.

When purchasing an online course, after payment of the price, a user account will be created on the web interface and access data to your user account will be generated and sent to your e-mail address specified in the order (terms of use are specified in Article VI of these GTC). If the course is opened on the same day for all registrants, you will receive the access data on the previously announced day after payment of the price. After logging in to your user account, the online course will be made available to you in our member section. If it is efficient to do so with regard to the continuity of the content, individual lessons will be made available to you sequentially, according to the schedule listed on the "bulletin board" of the member section of the online course. 

Please note that standard hardware and software, a working internet browser, PDF viewer and internet connection are required to access e-books, online courses and to participate in online events.

Due to the fact that the provision of our products is a one-off service, we do not provide any updates to these products.

2. SUPPLY LEVEL. The e-book and online course will be delivered within 3 working days after the payment is credited to our bank account. Delivery within this period is subject to your express consent to provide the product within the withdrawal period. In the event that some products are made available in exchange for personal data, they are made available without undue delay after the personal data has been sent.

If we are in default in making the Products available, you may withdraw from the Contract if we fail to comply with our obligation without undue delay after you call upon us to perform or within an additional period of time expressly agreed by us. Without an additional period of time, you may only withdraw from the Contract under the preceding sentence if it is clear from our communications or the circumstances that we will not provide you with the Products or if it is clear from the Contract or the circumstances at the time of entering into the Contract that performance within the specified time is necessary.

3. TRANSPORT COSTS. No shipping or delivery costs are incurred and therefore not charged for e-books.

B. Delivery and cancellation conditions (offline and online) of organized events:

1. DELIVERY METHOD: Organised events are delivered according to the conditions specified in the description of the organised event on the web interface, or under individually agreed conditions. You have the right to attend the organised event subject to proper and timely payment of the full price of the organised event. We reserve the right to unilaterally change the terms and conditions of the event, e.g. the person leading the event/teaching the lecturer, the time of the event, the location of the event within the same village/town, and we will notify you of such a change in advance. The obligations between you and us are not affected. We are also responsible for ensuring that the purpose of the event is not affected by the change of conditions. The organised event will only take place if the minimum number of interested parties specified in the web interface at the description of the organised event orders and pays for it. We reserve the right to cancel the event in the event of a lower number of registrants or force majeure. In this case, we will inform all registered participants in due time. 

2. ONLINE EVENT PARTICIPATION: When you purchase an online event participation, you will be emailed information on how to participate in the online event upon payment of the price.


4. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS AND INFORMATION: All information and any written materials, handouts, scripts, audio recordings and media, recommendations, techniques, personal information and other methods provided by the instructor leading the event are intended solely for the purposes of the specific event and the personal needs of the individual Customer. They may not be communicated or passed on to third parties in any way, modified, distributed or copied in whole or in part, used for any commercial purpose or published elsewhere without our knowledge and written consent.

5. RESPONSIBILITY DURING THE EVENT: Throughout the event, Customers are fully responsible for themselves, their decisions and their actions towards themselves and others. Each event participant, including the event leader, is responsible for any damage caused to themselves or other Customers by their reckless or other conduct or for damage caused by them to the property and equipment of the premises they use during the event.

6. MAKING AUDIO AND VIDEO RECORDINGS OF THE EVENT: We may make audio or video recordings during the event. Unless we expressly agree otherwise, by attending the event as a participant, you agree that this recording may capture your likeness and expressions of a personal nature, including recording your appearance, voice, movements, gestures and other expressions of a personal nature. We may use these captured recordings containing footage of your person primarily for marketing purposes.

7. OPTION TO EXCLUDE A CUSTOMER FROM PARTICIPATION: All Customers are obliged not to interfere with the course of the event and to follow the instructions of the manager/lecturer. The Provider or the leader/lecturer of the organized event is entitled to exclude the Customer from participation in case the Customer does not respect these GTC and as a result in any way damages the content of the organized event, other Customers or the leader/lecturer or in case the Customer disrupts the course of the event by inappropriate behavior (i.e. behavior against the rules of decent coexistence of people, e.g. repeated disturbance, participation under the influence of alcohol or other addictive substances, insults to the leaders of the event, lecturers or other participants of the event). In the event of the Customer's exclusion from the event, the Customer is not entitled to a refund of the price of the event or any part thereof.


8.1 As Customers, you are entitled to cancel your participation in the event. In the event that you have already paid the price and cancel your participation no later than 30 working days prior to the start of the event, the full price paid will be refunded; in the event of cancellation within a shorter period, the price is non-refundable. Unless otherwise agreed, payment will be refunded in the same manner as it was received.

8.2 In the event that the event is cancelled for reasons attributable to us and you, as the Customer, have already paid the price, you will receive a full refund within 14 days of the date on which the decision to cancel the event is made, unless we have expressly agreed to apply the payment to an alternative performance of your choice. Unless otherwise agreed, the relevant amount will be refunded to you in the same manner as it was received. This paragraph shall also apply if the event has to be cancelled by us for reasons of force majeure, for example due to the adoption of epidemiological or other measures and decisions by public authorities, but also if we reasonably fear that such measures and decisions will be adopted shortly before the event or on the day of the event and therefore cancel the event as a precautionary measure. Similarly, this paragraph will also apply in the case of other force majeure reasons. Force Majeure shall apply to you as participants in particular in relation to the associated extra costs for travel and accommodation if you have already incurred them, in which case we shall not be obliged to compensate you for any damages incurred by you as a result of the cancellation of the event or to pay any other expenses except for the refund of the price already paid for the event.

VI. What about the functionality of digital content and its interaction with hardware and software and copyright?

1. We only send the digital content (e-book) to you, as the Customer, at your electronic address or by making the address of the website where the content is located available. To be fully functional, digital content requires that you have hardware and software that allows you to open and work with documents in pdf or other commonly used file format. You must also have a working internet connection to download the product from the website. We are not responsible for the unavailability of the content in case of malfunctioning or slow speed of your internet connection. It may happen that content is temporarily unavailable for a short period of time due to data maintenance or server outages.

2. Products are created using our knowledge and experience and years of practice. These are guidelines and recommendations and it is up to you how you apply them in practice and how much care and effort you put into putting this information into practice. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for what specific results you achieve based on the products themselves. The Products are not a substitute for personal consultation. Products created by us (e-books, online courses) are protected by copyright and may not be redistributed or made available for use by others without our prior express written consent. Infringement of copyright is not only punishable under copyright law, but may also be a criminal offence.

VII. Withdrawal from the contract

1. PRODUCTS (E-BOOKS AND ON-LINE COURSES): according to § 1829 paragraph 1 of the CC, Customers in the position of Consumers have the right to withdraw from the concluded Contract without giving reasons within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Contract.

According to Section 1837(l), Consumers do not have the right to withdraw from a contract for the supply of digital content if performance has already begun with the Consumer's express consent. Because we are confident in the quality of our products and at the same time wish you to have the opportunity to study them at your leisure, we give all Consumers the opportunity to make use of the guarantee, i.e. the possibility to withdraw from the Contract (and request a refund) without giving reasons within 15 days of the product being made available (the period is calculated from the date on which the access data to the online course were delivered to you or the e-book was made available to you in accordance with Art. If you choose to exercise this option, the withdrawal must be sent by email to or sent by post to our address set out in Article I of these Terms and Conditions within the above guarantee period.

2. No later than 14 days after withdrawal from the Contract, we will refund the price of the product. We will refund your money in the same way you paid it, unless you agree to a different payment method that does not involve additional costs to you.

3. ORDERED ACTIONS: The Contract cannot be withdrawn from if it is a contract for the use of leisure time, provided that the Seller provides this performance within the specified period (Art.1837(j) CC). A contract for the provision of services - organised events - is also considered a contract for the use of leisure time if it fulfils the condition of the use of the Customer's leisure time as well as the provision on a pre-determined date (which is why the cancellation conditions are addressed above, as in the case of our organised events it is a contract for the use of leisure time).

4. In the event that the price of the products or the event is not paid by you even within 5 days after it is due, the Contract shall terminate. The Contract shall also terminate for offline and online meetings if the full price is not paid by you at least 3 days before the event, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us. Furthermore, the contract shall also be terminated for other organised events if the full price is not paid by you at least 5 days prior to the organised event, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us.

5. If a gift is provided to you together with a product or event, the gift contract between us is concluded with the condition that if the Contract is withdrawn by you without giving reasons, the gift contract shall cease to be effective and you shall return the gift to us within 14 days of withdrawal from the Contract. All gifts and bonuses are only sent or made available after payment of the agreed price of the product or event, unless otherwise stated on the web interface.

VIII. Rights arising from defective performance, Complaints Procedure

1. Rights arising from defective performance are governed by the applicable legal provisions, in particular the provisions of Sections 1914 to 1925 and Sections 2389i to 2389p CC.

Defective performance rights for products (digital content)

1. We are responsible for defects in the products that the products had when made available. In particular, we are responsible for the fact that the relevant product: 

(a) conforms to the agreed description and scope, as well as quality, functionality, compatibility, interoperability and other agreed characteristics, 

b) it is suitable for the purpose for which the Customer requires it and to which the Provider has agreed, and 

(c) it is provided with the agreed accessories and instructions for use, including installation instructions, and user support where this can reasonably be expected given the nature of the product. 

2. Furthermore, we are responsible for the fact that in addition to the agreed characteristics 

(a) the product is fit for the purpose for which a product of this type is normally used, including with regard to third party rights, legislation, technical standards or industry codes of practice, where there are no technical standards, 

(b) the product corresponds in scope, quality and other performance parameters, including functionality, compatibility, accessibility, continuity and security, to the usual characteristics of digital content of the same type that the Customer can reasonably expect, also taking into account public statements made by the Provider or another person in the same contractual chain, in particular advertising or labelling, 

(c) the product is provided with accessories and instructions for use that the Customer can reasonably expect; and 

d)the product corresponds to the trial version or preview made available by the Provider before the conclusion of the Contract.

We shall not be liable for the characteristics of the products according to this paragraph if we specifically notify the Customer prior to the conclusion of the Contract that a product characteristic differs and the Customer expressly agrees to this when concluding the Contract.

3. If a defect becomes apparent within one year of the product being made available, the product shall be deemed to have been defective when made available. This period does not run for the time during which the Customer cannot use the product, if the Customer has rightfully complained about the defect. 

4. You may complain about a defect that becomes apparent in the product within two years of making it available.

5. If the product has a defect, you may require it to be rectified unless it is impossible or unreasonably costly to do so; this will be assessed having regard in particular to the significance of the defect and the value the product would have had without the defect. We will rectify the defect within a reasonable time after it has been identified so that it does not cause the Customer significant inconvenience, taking into account the nature of the product and the purpose for which the Customer requested it.

You can ask for a reasonable discount or withdraw from the contract if 

a) The Provider has not remedied the defect or it is apparent from the Provider's statement or the circumstances that the defect will not be remedied within a reasonable time or without significant inconvenience to the Customer, 

(b) the defect remains after removal, or 

c) the defect is a material breach of the Contract. 

You may not withdraw from the Contract if the defect in the Product is insignificant, where the defect is deemed to be insignificant.

6. If you withdraw from the Agreement, we may prevent you from continuing to use the Product, in particular by making the Product unavailable to you. If you withdraw from the Contract, you are obliged to refrain from using the product, including providing it to a third party.

7. We shall return any sums of money which we are obliged to return to you on account of defective performance to you at our own expense without undue delay, but at the latest within fourteen days of the date on which you asserted the right of defective performance. In doing so, we shall use the same method as you used to pay the price of the product, unless you expressly agree otherwise and no costs are incurred.

Rights of defective performance in case of organised events

1. When organising events, we are obliged to perform without defects, with the characteristics specified or usual, so that the object of performance can be used according to the Contract and, if known to the parties, also according to the purpose of the Contract.

2. If the performance is defective, you have rights under the defective performance.

3. Our company, as a Provider, is obliged to perform in medium quality.

In particular, the following shall be considered as defective performance:

a) if we provide an object of performance (organised event) that does not have the specified or agreed characteristics,

(b) if we do not point out defects which the object of performance has, although they do not normally occur in such an object.

c) if we assure you to the contrary that the object of performance has no defects or that the object is suitable for a certain use.

4. If the defect is noticeable and obvious already at the conclusion of the Contract or if the defect can be identified from a public list, it is the Customer's responsibility. This does not apply if we have deceitfully concealed the defect or if we have expressly assured you that the item does not have such a defect or is free of defects.

5. You are entitled to assert the right from defective performance before the court if you point out the defect without undue delay after you have had the opportunity to inspect the performance and discover the defect, either by marking the defect or by notifying how it manifests itself. The defect may be complained of within six months of the acceptance of the object of performance.

6. If you do not point out the defect in time and if we object to the late pointing out, the court will not grant you the right. This does not apply if the defect is the result of a fact of which we knew or should have known at the time of delivery.

7. As soon as you discover a defect, please notify us without undue delay.

8. If the defect is remediable, you can claim either a repair, the addition of what is missing or a reasonable discount on the price. If the defect cannot be rectified and the object of performance cannot be used properly because of it, you may either withdraw from the contract or claim a reasonable discount on the price.

(9) Anyone who has a right under the preceding paragraph shall also be entitled to reimbursement of the costs reasonably incurred in exercising that right. However, if the right to reimbursement is not exercised within one month after the expiry of the period within which the defect must be pointed out, the court shall not grant the right if the Provider argues that the right to reimbursement was not exercised in time.

How to make a claim

We will accept the complaint at any of our premises where it is possible to accept the complaint, or at our registered office or place of business.

You can make a complaint by email or in writing. When making a claim, please specify which product/event is the subject of the claim, what defect is the subject of the claim and what method of handling the claim you require. In order to facilitate the procedure, it is advisable to enclose proof of ordering the product/event or a tax document - invoice, if issued.

When a claim is made, we will issue a confirmation to the Consumer stating the date of the claim, what is its content, what method of handling the claim the Consumer requires and the Consumer's contact details for the purpose of providing information on the handling of the claim.

We are obliged to settle the Consumer's complaint including the removal of the defect and inform the Consumer about it within 30 days from the date of the complaint, unless we agree with the Consumer on a longer period. After the expiration of this period, the Consumer is entitled to withdraw from the Contract or demand a reasonable price reduction.

We are also obliged to issue the Consumer with a confirmation of the date and method of handling the claim, the duration of the claim, or a written justification for the rejection of the claim.

IX. Handling complaints, resolving consumer disputes

1. If you have any complaint about the Contract, its performance or our activities, please contact us at

2. We do business on the basis of a trade license, the control authority is the competent trade licensing authority, supervision over compliance with consumer protection regulations is carried out by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority. Compliance with data protection regulations is supervised by the Office for Personal Data Protection. You can also contact these authorities with your complaints.

3. If there is a consumer dispute between the Seller and the Consumer, the Consumer has the right to an out-of-court settlement. The subject of the out-of-court settlement pursuant to Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, is the Czech Trade Inspection Authority. All the details of the out-of-court settlement are available on the website of the Czech Trade Inspection The Consumer may also use the online dispute resolution platform established by the European Commission at

X. Conclusion

1. The contract is concluded for a definite period of time, until the Seller and the Customer fulfill their obligations under the contract.

2. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid or ineffective, this shall not affect the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions, which shall remain valid and effective. In such a case, the parties undertake to replace the invalid or ineffective provision by a new contract with a new provision that is valid and effective in order to correspond as closely as possible to the purpose of the contractual relationship entered into.

3. The protection of personal data is dealt with in a separate document.

4. All rights to the web interface, in particular the copyrights to the content, including the layout of the web pages, photos, videos, graphics, trademarks, logos and other content and elements, belong to the Provider. It is prohibited to copy, modify or otherwise use the web interface or products provided by the Provider without the Provider's consent.

5. When using the web interface, the Customer must not use any procedures that could have a negative impact on its operation and must not perform any activity that could allow him or third parties to interfere with or make unauthorised use of the software or other components forming the web interface and use the web interface or its parts or software in a manner that would be contrary to its purpose or intent.

6. All legal disputes arising in connection with the Contract shall be settled in civil court by the ordinary courts of the Czech Republic. If the relationship related to the use of the web interface or the legal relationship established by the Agreement contains an international (foreign) element, then the Parties agree that the relationship shall be governed by Czech law. This is without prejudice to the Consumer's rights under generally binding legal regulations.

7. Please note that we are entitled to unilaterally change these GTC, however, the Customer is always bound by the text of the terms and conditions in force at the time of placing the order.

8. These GTC are effective from 27.3.2024

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